In the last few weeks I've come to really lose faith in humanity. Between everything that's going on with the election and just being around mankind, I've come to realize that people just are evil to their core.
The very first football Sunday of this season was, of course, a nightmare. The day began with the cable company (Direct TV) turning off our connection to the bar due to a lack of payment; how thrilling. Half of our tv's were not working as well, big shocker there, and my wonderful manager was not only in a panic but decided to throw the stress and anxiety on my shoulders. (And when you have severe Anxiety disorder, having someone throw their stress on to you does NOT help). Alas, after a few frantic phone calls the cable was turned back on only minutes to kick off and crisis was averted.
In the midst of the Sunday Football chaos, two "gentlemen" joined the rest of my bar clan near the MegaTouch gaming system. As my job entails, I swiftly asked them what I may quench their thirst with and they ordered a tall, draft beer. The one gentleman explained to me that he quit drinking years ago and would not like his wife to know that he drank a lot at the bar that day. You see, our ATM machine was down so there was no way for him to get cash out. He then asked if he could get money off of his card to be able to pay with cash the rest of the day. I hesitated, but then, feeling sorry for the sap, allowed him to "tip" $80 to have back so as to pay cash. Little did I know the effects of my actions would only arise weeks later with a migraine and excruciating want to quit my job.
Over a month later, on a Monday, I was casually going about my work shift, enjoying the company of some regulars and other bar patrons when from the kitchen came a beast waving tickets in the air and snarling the whole way until she reached me.
"Do you remember this ticket?" she asked me, shoving the old piece of paper in my face. I was so taken aback I could not even focus enough to realize it was that very tab that I approved weeks ago.
"Yes, why," I asked, and repeating the same story to her as I have for you.
"The credit card company is on the phone. That was a STOLEN credit card. Why the fuck would you approve that!?" the beast snapped.
While trying to explain that, yet again, our owner had not done his part to ensure we had everything prepared for NFL Sunday, I was immediately cut off with a, "Will you shut the fuck up and listen to what I'm saying?" To which I replied, "Can you NOT do this in front of customers?" Weird that I was the more professional of the two... and I only get paid $5 an hour, not salary.
I tried to explain to the beast again the story when I was told I would have to pay for the mistake since, according to the owner, I "Should have known the credit card was stole and called the credit card company."
Needless to say, I will NOT be paying this money, nor will I acknowledge it as a "mistake" on my part.
So, here's the lesson in all of this kids, when you're very busy working and someone gives you a credit card to pay with, asks for money back because YOUR ATM is not working, first, make all of your other customers wait; call the credit card company because it's probably stolen, explain to the guest that you think their card might be stolen so they have to wait, and then wake up, realize life doesn't work that way, people pull fast ones on bartenders and retailers all the time and the millionaire owners that like to sleep with their employees should suck it up, loosen their pockets and pay the damn money for their good employees.
What'll ya have?
Serving up daily specials of broken hearts, philosophical drunks and tales from behind the bar.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Long Time Coming
Seems the blog has been idle for the last year... That may have something to do with the fact that I... GRADUATED COLLEGE!! That's right kids, I put my big girl pants on and moved out of the classrooms and into the world. And boy is it... the same. I have been fortunate enough to have gotten a job right after graduation with a non-profit group that runs out of Akron. The Akron Digital Media Center is a non-profit that teaches Citizen Journalism to the public at no cost to them. We offer classes that teach the basics of journalism and media as well as storytelling with video and photos, editing and basic computer skills. Our publication, The Akronist is online and features several community-based feature stories, written and video, as well as photos shared by people in the community. It's a wonderful job that has given me a lot of the experience that I needed after school.
Do not fret, though. I am still bartending part-time, so I still have plenty of stories for you... and hopefully I can jump back in to sharing them!
Missed you!
Do not fret, though. I am still bartending part-time, so I still have plenty of stories for you... and hopefully I can jump back in to sharing them!
Missed you!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Browns v. Steelers
This Sunday I ran into an issue that seems to arise virtually every Sunday during football season. Do we play the sound to the Browns or Steelers game? Being a bar in Northeast Ohio one would assume Browns, we're close to Cleveland, we should be considered a Browns bar. However, my bar in particular brings in many more Steelers than Browns fans. Seems simple, but it's a lot more complicated. The owner of the bar is a Browns fan, to the max. He was born and raised in Ohio and remains a "true" Browns fan, therefore, he requests we only play the sound to Browns games. Looking around on a Sunday afternoon around 1 o'clock, on days they play the same time, there are easily 90 Steelers fans compared to the three Browns fans at the bar. A smart business man or woman would agree that it would suit customers better to play the sound for Pittsburgh, but a bigger issues lies with the fact that the three Browns fans are all regulars. So who do you make happy? The larger number of paying customers, or continued paying customers? The answer, to me, was simple. Turn the sound off on one side, and the volume up on those TVs so that Steelers fans could hear their game, and Browns fans could hear theirs. After all, the regulars became regulars because they were given some sort of treatment they liked and kept coming back. The purpose of customer service is to provide guests with an experience that will make them want to return "Time and Time again" as my old Damon's manager would have put it.
One of my favorite conversations to listen to at a bar is the post-fight conversation.
Last week, for example I had the pleasure of witnessing a fight from start to dismissal:
In this red corner, he stands 5'8", 145 lbs. of fiery Irish adrenaline... Glasses!
In the blue corner, 6'4", 240 lbs. Massive Rage!
From over the bar came Massive Rage, shoving Glasses over the bar, but with one swift movement, Glasses reversed this hold and had Massive Rage on the ground. Before any one knew it, Massive Rage was bleeding from a gash on his head, and blood poured out of Glasses' nose. One, two, three, six punches from Glasses later, the bartender finally jumped in between and held each by the shirt collar.
"Who started it?" the bartender demanded.
"He blew a kiss at me!" Massive Rage exclaimed.
"Ok, you're outta here," the bartender said.
After a quick clean up, the entertainment really begins.
"Oh man, you would've killed 'im," chatter spews from both ends. Whether their opponent was beaten to a pulpit or they were, their comrades are there to assure them that they would have been the clear winner of that fight. These conversation do not just happen in bars, but parties, football games, little league you name it. The male ego must be boosted regardless of their performance at the end of any fight.
"Our adrenaline is already pumping, if there wasn't any support at the end, we might just keep it going," Mike Adams said after a Saturday night bar fight.
My message about fights is simple: Guys, it's not cute. You do not impress any one by your ability to drunkenly swing on the first guy to look at you at the bar. The only way it becomes excusable is if you are defending your lady. Keep in mind, the idea of the knight in armor always appeals to our feminine hopes and dreams. Ladies, it's trashy. What man wants to see their woman being pulled around, or pulling around another girl by their hair? Yes, girls can be crazy, but you are better off walking away and letting your opponent look crazy rather than both of you being labeled the title of a popular Buckcherry song. Not to mention folks, you are likely to get thrown out of the establishment you've decided to turn into your death match cage, and that ruins not only your night but your friend's. Ultimately fighting comes down to being selfish.
Sobriety Testing
If you find you have consumed too much alcohol to drive, but decide to do so, be prepared to pass these three tests according to the Akron Police Department:
The One Leg Stand-First the police officer will ask you to stand with your feet together, arms at your side and to not move out of this position. One foot is raised approximately 6 inches from the ground and pointed. You will be instructed to look at your raised food and count aloud, "One thousand and one, one thousand and two" etc. The officer times you for roughly 30 seconds and looks for 4 cues: Swaying, using your arms for balance, hopping, or putting your foot down. If you are wearing heals, you have the option to remove your shoes. You are also not required to take this test if you are over the age of 65 and 50 pounds over weight.
The Walk and Turn- Walking in straight line, an officer will have you place one foot directly infront of the other heel touching toe. The amount of steps taken is typically nine. When doing this, keep your hands at your sides and watch your feet. There are 8 cues for this test: Can't balance during instructions, starting too soon, stopping, missing heel to toe touch by more than 1/2 an inch, stepping off line, using your arms for balance, turning incorrectly and taking the wrong number of steps.
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus- Also called "the pen test" this test judges the amount of involuntary movement in your eyes. When the eye muscles are strained, especially looking to the corners, the muscle becomes strained and shakes involuntarily. During this test, the officer will check to make sure your eyes do not have this movement and that you do not move your head as well. Each hold lasts roughly 4 seconds.
Field sobriety tests are always voluntary, though an officer may not tell you this, keep it in mind.
The point of this is not to train you in sobriety testing but to raise awareness to the right that these are voluntary.
This video shows a comical performance of field sobriety test.

The Walk and Turn- Walking in straight line, an officer will have you place one foot directly infront of the other heel touching toe. The amount of steps taken is typically nine. When doing this, keep your hands at your sides and watch your feet. There are 8 cues for this test: Can't balance during instructions, starting too soon, stopping, missing heel to toe touch by more than 1/2 an inch, stepping off line, using your arms for balance, turning incorrectly and taking the wrong number of steps.

Field sobriety tests are always voluntary, though an officer may not tell you this, keep it in mind.
The point of this is not to train you in sobriety testing but to raise awareness to the right that these are voluntary.
This video shows a comical performance of field sobriety test.
Twisted Tea
While vacationing in Oak Island, NC this summer, my boyfriend and I were poolside when vacation was paused. Leaving his Twisted Tea bottle by the tiki bar away from the pool, he went to sip it and instantly threw the bottle down and ran inside. A bee stung him on his lip and did not realize he was allergic. The reaction was so bad he was given steroids and allergy medicine by the local pharmacist, but was sure to take is "Be a Little Twisted" picture before.
Twisted Tea Brewing Company is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and started in 2001. They create hard iced tea beverages for adults. "Be a Little Twisted" is Twisted Tea's campaign for consumers to safely take pictures showing their love for Twisted Tea and how their life can be a little twisted with it.
Twisted Tea Brewing Company is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and started in 2001. They create hard iced tea beverages for adults. "Be a Little Twisted" is Twisted Tea's campaign for consumers to safely take pictures showing their love for Twisted Tea and how their life can be a little twisted with it.
Making the Perfect Martini
The best way to make the perfect martini is to understand how it originated first and then understand what goes into one and why. Allen Katz for shows how to make the perfect martini:
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